Robotics Technology
Meets Postal Self-Service
The Only Complete Automatic Postal Service System in the World
PostCube is the pioneer in introducing the complete automatic postal service system in the world, and commercializing the automatic postal service system in Korea. The automation via robotic technology is the key to the enterprise’s competitiveness in the fourth industrial revolution. The PostCube continues to develop novel products for enhancing the competitiveness of postal service providers.
Core Values of the Self-Service Kiosk
Self-service kiosk’s focus on maximizing the convenience and efficiency via automated labeling, address recognition, price estimation, and sorting functions simplifies the user and administrator’s transactions and provides easy and fast services.
We will provide greater value to our self-service customers through continuous upgrades of our technology.
Receiving a variety of postal items There is no limit to the type of postal items: Accepts small letters, large envelopes, plastic envelopes, and boxes.
Various payment methods
We offer various payment methods such as credit card (magnetic, IC, RF), banknotes, coins (up to 5 kinds), and mobile pay.
We have an integrated solution with the existing logistics system via electronic payment, sending text messages, delivering registered information, and tracking mail information
User-friendly Design
Our researchers are collaborating with the excellent design specialists to develop user-friendly and universal design.
Robustness, mobility and scalability make installation easy.
Kiosks are located around you. Experience the convenience yourself.
The automatic postal service system is operated in various places such as post office, knowledge industry center, office building, subway, hospital, school, and more than 1 million people are experiencing the convenience.
UI/UX 4.0 for 2019 PASS
Robotics Technology for Customers, Design for People
The automatic postal service system applies the advanced robotics engineering of each module to implement the same service as the postal service provided by the post office. With 18 years of experience in system design and user interface analysis, we are making the best products in the industry.
No.1 Complete Automatic Postal Service System
The world’s only complete unmanned postal service system that has been delivered to the Korea Post for 18 years is evolving with the collaboration between KAIST and machine learning experts.
Wide Range of Product Lineup
PostCube provides a variety of products optimized for the various needs of postal and logistics service providers. All of our products are operated in real field to accumulate knowhows and reliability.
Trustworthy Products and Service
PostCube is the history of the automated postal service system.
Since 1998, we have delivered 700 automatic postal service system to the post office. Currently, we are handling 307 kiosks in and out of the post offices. In addition, we provide service quality of reliable automated postal service systems consigned to operation management of externally operated product.
On-Demand Service Platform, Complete Self Post Office
Complete Unmanned Post Office delivers from a small letter envelope to a courier (parcel) at the requested time, and the customers can receive the postal items at the time of their convenience. The unmanned post office platform is constructed and operated with the Post Office headquarters.
Unattended POST Office Solution – neoPASS
POSTcube Headquarter
- Address : #F10 DaeRyung-Techno town B/D, 25, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (ZipCode:08594)
- Tel : +82-2-855-6781 / FAX : +82-2-855-6790
- Direct Customer Call Center : 1600-0831
- e-mail :
- e-mail :
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